Tuesday 9.15am-12.15am and 12.30-3pm

Do you enjoy sewing, quilting or machine embroidery?
Would you like to meet together with like minded enthusiasts to share ideas and experience, make new friends and sew in company?
Sew Together is a local sewing group where members can do just that. Meeting together on a Tuesday morning or afternoon, we bring our own projects (and machines) to spend a relaxing and enjoyable few hours doing what we love most: creating something with that personal touch while enjoying the company of other crafters. All levels of experience are catered for from beginner to the more experienced crafters, seamstresses or quilters. For those just setting out on their sewing journey, we have a sewing machine available to borrow during meetings.
In the informal setting of the new village hall, there is space to set up your own sewing area while still being able to enjoy one another’s company.
There are many benefits from sewing together. Share your experience, your ideas and learn from those around you. We have a regular pattern swap and occasional fabric swaps. Tea and coffee with biscuits are provided.
Maybe you would like to take advantage of the possibility to borrow an overlocker or machine embroidery machine for part of the session. We have two Brother overlockers and a Brother embroidery machine available on request. Tuition can be provided if you are not familiar with their use. With pressing facilities also available, you will have everything you need to put that professional finish on your latest project.
The morning session cost £8 per week and the afternoon £7 per week. £2 per week is payable at the beginning of each term and is non refundable, with the remainder paid on the day