SewTogether Coronavirus Update 17th March 2020

In line with the recent government advice to avoid social gatherings, we have regrettably had to cancel our three taster sessions of SewTogether commencing 18th March 2020.

Many thanks to those who had contacted me and were hoping to come. Hopefully we will be able to reconvene at a later date and I will post new dates when the threat of the virus has passed.


SewTogether on social media

Rather than meet in person at the village hall, we have decided to carry on with the sewing, but to share the time through social media.

Log on to our Facebook page on Wednesday at around 1pm.  Post a photo of your project then work on it over the course of the afternoon. Join us for an online chat when we break for refreshments at around 2.30, then post a photo of your progress around 4pm as we finish up for the afternoon. 

We hope that as many of you as possible will be able to join us, to share ideas and experience even though we may not be able to meet in person.

Happy sewing!